Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blue Ridge Scenic Railway

What fun, today we went on the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. Sakura loves trains and is always saying "All Aboard" so Papa and Gramma Janie decided that we needed to take a train ride. It was a BEAUTIFUL and definitely scenic train ride. We all really enjoyed it, we stopped in a neighboring town for lunch and an hour or so of shopping. The lunch left a WHOLE lot to be desired (Patrick's Pub - ICK!!!), but the scenery going and coming was worth the train ride. The pictures are pretty self explanatory, just scenery.

Sakura was ready to go!

I'm not quite sure what got her going, but she was cracking herself and all of us up! Little clown!

Too much laughing got someone sleepy.... it was probably the sleepiness that got her laughing! She gets delirious just before she crashes usually.

Watching all of the trees...Sakura kept commenting on the trees.

Playing with Papa and Daddy

A fishing "trap" - something about the fish getting stuck in this V? Strange.

I spotted a teeny little merry-go-round, just what Sakura loves, merry-go-rounds in any size or shape!

She felt pretty confident on this one!

As you can see by the sweat beads .... it was VERY hot and humid!

Papa and Gramma Janie bought Sakura this tiny little train she played with at the store ... she loves it!

Surprise train Daddy got her in Blue Ridge, and the tiny train from Papa and Gramma Janie. Sakura lined them up.

Back in Blue Ridge - "wait Daddy" ... Daddy is always about 200 feet in front of me and Sakura, he walks FAST!

SO tired .... back to our room for a much needed nap. Then we will head to see Great Papa for a visit, and have dinner with Papa, Gramma Janie and Uncle Joey.

A trip to see everyone wouldn't be complete without a trip to the creek too! Papa made a squirt gun out of a mustard container - Sakura got a big kick out of it.

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