Friday, June 22, 2012

Circle of Life Dance Recital - Groovy Chicken

Sakura has been in dance since she turned 3, and she LOVES it.  

This weekend was her first dance recital.  I was admittedly a little worried Sakura would freeze once she got on stage without Miss Karla dancing in front of them, but I was pleasantly surprised when Sakura went right out and did exactly what she was suppose to do. and make a quick departure off the stage too.  Our family attended the Friday night show, and I volunteered to be Room Mom for the second show Saturday matinee.  We are SO proud of Sakura!

Here are some pictures from the performance, and also a video of the dance.

Getting ready for the show .... as you'll see below they were on a big stage and asked for make-up, not something I was crazy about, but necessary due to the stage lighting, and I do think she looked beautiful.
Sakura LOVES make-up and held very still for it ... just like the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique she said.
All ready - Let's GO!
Daddy, Mommy and our little Groovy Chick aka: Sakura
SHOW TIME - always "Wide Awake" ... 
and I love to Boogie Woogie too - Sakura loves this part!
Wide awake
This is Miss Karla - Sakura's dance instructor - she was the adult Nala in the show
At the end of the performance, all 300+ dancers went on stage for their final bow ... they didn't tell the girls about this, or let them know what to do, so we had a little lost chicken, this sweet young lady spotted our lost chick and picked her up and held her over by the other chickens .... come to find out she is the daughter of a high school friend! 
Hannah and Sakura on stage for their final bows
That ugly guy is Ed one of the hyenas
Waiting for their Mommy's to come and get them.
We went out for a celebratory ice cream at AppleBee's afterwards ... can you tell how tired Sakura is?  She typically goes to bed about 8 pm, and this was near 11 pm!
Of course Papa and Greema couldn't miss Sakura's dance performance!

The second show is when I volunteered for Room Mom, I hadn't wanted to do it because I wondered if Sakura would fuss about her costume with me in the room, whereas I knew she wouldn't with people she didn't know very well --- but my friend Mayumi was going to be the sole Room Mom and I couldn't do that to her - so I told her I would volunteer too.  So these are some 'back stage' pictures.  We had to entertain 12 (or 13) girls all between 3-4 years old for HOURS!  The show is about 2 3/4 hours long, their part is almost at intermission time, needless to say we were HOPPING busy!  OMG I don't know if I'd ever volunteer again - some of these girls were great (thankfully mine is included in that), but there were some who didn't listen to anything we said, removed clothing, their shoes, etc, right before it was their turn to go on stage, we had lost shoes - omgoodness it was a lot of work!

The girls wanted to take turns with my camera - so here are some of their captures.

Me and my beautiful girl - taken by Candace
Me and Candace taken by Sakura
Carriana (Mayumi's daughter), Sakura and Candace

Sakura and Candace 
Making beaded necklaces

After the final show we all headed to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  Sakura got a couple small gifts for her performance.

A new outfit for Baby Yuko - it was a ballerina outfit for her 
And a ballerina frog.
And now for the Groovy Chicken in action!

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