Well since Sakura is a year old, it's time to try milk...Sakura is protesting she does not like her formula / milk combination in a cup - not sure if it's the cup or it's the new taste of milk mixed in but the bottom line is Sakura is under protest and not drinking any at all. We will see how this goes. I've tried all types of sippy cups, the Nuby ones, the Playtex ones, doesn't seem to matter Sakura just plain doesn't want any part of it, even tried giving it to her in a cup with a straw which normally she ♥s...but nope, only water in those forms, not my 'milk' says Sakura!

Here goes.....

Really? What are you thinking Mommy?

I'll let that run right out of my mouth, I will NOT drink it!
**Update, I decided that I will get Sakura used to "just milk" and give this a shot again. I couldn't stand it.....Sakura never threw a fit about it, she just refused to drink it that way, so I figure I'll get her used to whole milk first, and then try the cup again** to be continued.....
Poor Sakura! Change can be so hard sometimes. It took Kumi a bit to make the transition. We used her bottle with the whole milk and once she was completely off the formula started her on the sippy. It will be great when she's completely off the bottle. No more packing them when you travel. Can't wait to see you guys in May!
Eek! Well, I have to admit, I'd rather have my milk in frozen form. ;) Good luck!!! Maybe try thinning the milk out...maybe it seems too 'thick' to her?
awww - that's always a tough transition. we tried mixing formula with milk - mostly formula and a little milk first, then kept increasing the milk and decreasing formula. not sure if you tried that but maybe it'll work for sakura?
Good luck. I wish I had some good advice, but Savannah was over 2 1/2 when she gave up her bottle. It isn't going to hurt her to have milk in a cup a little longer. A year is arbitrary. Since Savannah ate so little and missed many months of good nutrition, it was more important to me that she got the milk. We even kept her on step 2 formula until 2. But, we aren't doing that with Seth, since he got good nutrition from day 1. I am hoping that he transitions well. I have been using the ThinkBaby transition cup and the first year soothies cups. Don't know if those would help. Seth will take sips from a straw but not a lot of milk.
Change is very hard and it will take a lot of patience and perserverance. It is all she ever knew. One day she will make the decision that it is ok and I hope it is sooner rather than later for you.
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