On our way to Disneyland we stopped to have lunch with the Patterson family. Jill and I became friends when they were part of the ATWA group and adopting a baby from Japan too, soon after their paperwork was done, Jill found out she was pregnant - and now they have beautiful baby Camden, we were pleased to finally get to meet him - what a cutie and such a happy boy he is! It's funny when they met Sakura for the first time, she was just about the same age as Camden. Thanks for getting our park tickets! And Thank You Auntie Misty for the special Small Paul birthday shirt!

ladybugs and sakura blooms

Happy Birthday to our sweet girl

Hmmm, not sure about this
How nice that you got to see and have lunch with Jill, Ryan and their cutie-pie, Camden. It looks like Sakura loved meeting Camden, too! Two little sweeties! The cupcakes were beautiful - as if unscathed from the drive. :0) I'm sure they were as delicious as they appeared. Mmmmm...
The cupcakes are beautiful, but not as beautiful as the BABIES! How wonderful to get to see the Patterson Family. What a nice bonus. Sakura did very well with Camden. They are both so gorgeous.
Sakura looks a bit skeptical of her cake. So cute. I guess they just don't know what to make of it, but at least she did not cry. We have pictures of Savannah HYSTERICAL with green frosting on her face (since she is a St. Patrick's Day baby).
So cute! I love the cupcakes! It's great you were able to meet up with so many friends on your trip. Sakura is one loved kid!
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