We are SO Blessed, and so is Sakura!
It's hard to believe that a year ago today in the land of the Rising Sun, someone very special was giving birth and making a life plan for a child she could not keep.
It's hard to imagine what was going through Airi's mind as she so carefully took care of our baby for a week in the hospital, giving Sakura the best start at life and all that she had, and then having the strength to give her up.

I know that Airi would be so proud of the little girl that she gave birth to, and I know that there is a reason for everything that happens. Sakura is the baby that was destined to be our daughter, my stepdad often says that she was "just delivered to the wrong address" - I am sure that the experience made Airi stronger, she knows that she has changed our lives, she gave me the biggest and best gift. Sakura is an angel, she was sent by God to me and Dean and Airi gave her wings.
So on this very special day, please give Blessings to Airi for enriching all of our lives with this sweet, adorable, precious, priceless angel we call our daughter, you call your granddaughter, niece, or friend.
Our serious inquisitive girl
Happy Joyful Sakura chan
And our "Silly" girl...when we ask Sakura if she's "silly" this is her face. I ♥ it!
We are off to Disneyland to celebrate this very special day with our special girl.
I created this SmileBox 'video' of some of our special times from this past year, we will never forget the joy and amazement that this year has been.
What you wrote is so beautiful and I love the smilebox. I know how you feel and how deeply and truly you love your daughter. You are all so blessed and we wish you only more love, joy and happiness on this special day and forever.
happy birthday, sakura!!! those pictures of her are so cute!
Happy Birthday Sakura-Chan! What a special little girl she is. So loved by so many people. She's truly a blessing to so many people. Happy Birthday Sakura! We love you! Uncle Shane, Auntie Misty and Kumi-Chan
Jennifer, that was just beautiful what you wrote about Sakura's birthmom...the most special gift indeed! Happy birthday sweet little Sakura!
Happy First Birthday Sakura-chan! What an angel you are indeed! You have the sweetest parents! :)
The smilebox is lovely! Our blessings to Airi for giving all the Shimizus such a wonderful gift. :)
I am so thrilled to be able to follow your story and see such a happy family. It makes my heart happy to see fulfillment of wishes past!
Happy 1st Birthday to gorgeous Sakura! She was definitely meant to be your daughter and what a beautiful family of three you are!! Great pics - can't wait to see the ones at Dland!
Love, Nancy, Tim, Trippy & Kiki
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful post! Sakura was definitely meant to be a part of your family. She is absolutely adorable and growing up so fast! I still can't believe she is 1 year old already! Happy Birthday, Sakura!!
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