Sakura playing "fly to Mommy" with Daddy

Sakura and Baby watching a movie in her new pretty chair

Sakura "Kobayashi" as Daddy calls her, she must be related to Kobayashi the Japanese Hot Dog eating champ because this child can stuff SO MUCH food into her mouth! As you can see here, her mouth is SO FULL that she can't even attempt to chew.....Amazing!
Sakura can crawl up our step, but she doesn't know how to get back down, here I had put her feet on the ground, normally she just talks to me and I go and get her down...it's cute! As you can see Sakura is in HIGH gear when it comes to teething, one more popped through on the top last week, and it looks like three more are pretty close...she's got so much drool poor kid is always soaking wet - she doesn't like bibs :(
Just a few pictures from our weekend. We didn't do anything special, except for Mommy trying to get some stuff done for Sakura's party....next time I buy Pre-Made things and not DIY things :) J/K! I certainly don't mind it's just a matter of staying awake late at night - something I've never been good at doing - unless I'm at Disneyland or something like that :)
Ooooh! I want one! I want one! Wait...I don't mean chubby thighs, I don't need those! But if they come attached to an absolute cutie-pie like Sakura, it's a deal!
Patty and David...very soon :) Last year at this time we had NO idea what/when/where, but here it is just a very short year later and you see how our lives have changed. Get Ready, the best times are yet to come for you! I think a bunch of our babies have chub, so don't worry you'll get definitely an adorable and probably chubby thigh baby too I bet!
Adorable photos! I love love love the one of her with her mouth stuffed with food. Too cute! Sakura-chan keeps getting cuter and cuter, if that's even possible! Love her!
She is cute beyond belief. I love her in the chair with baby and eating apples.
She and Seth are two peas from the same pod. Drool machine--always soaking wet and no bibs allowed. Also the stuffing the face/mouth. So funny.
So excited for her birthday and to see pictures.
Amen to not staying up late. I can't either. Can't wait to see her party pics! She is so cute Jennifer.
So cute, I love that she stuffs her mouth with food, something only a baby can get away with and still look adorable!
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