Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watching Baby Einstein

Always such a good happy girl, playing with her toys!
Peyton Sakura loves to watch her Baby Einstein DVDs - she has quite a collection. Her very first one remains her favorite, it was from Auntie Becky and is Baby Mozart. She will watch the entire movie and 'fuss' or let us know when it is time for the credits. Most people have popcorn with their movie, Peyton's favorite snack is still the cloth she is eating her blanket that I had laid across her lap while she watched her movie.

Getting ready for her snack...checking for the right spot of fabric!


Maybe this section tastes different....


Misty Clark said...

So cute! Kumi has that same rattle and loves it :) Kumi also loves Baby Einstein. I just love Sakura!

cpayne1997 said...

What a cutie! Austin and Breanna loved Baby Einstein too. They watched it up until a couple years ago....kinda strange I know!

Handshoe Family said...

I noticed that she and Ivy have the same rattle!!!
Ivy likes to chew on her shirt too... So sweet!

jill and ryan said...

Well I think Sakura has wonderful taste! Mozart is one of our favorites too! My mom bought up the entire stock of Baby Einstein cd's at Babies R Us a couple of months ago :)

Samantha said...

The first pic is lovely!!!

demetrisfamily said...

Baby Einstein was a hit in our household too. Funny neither of our kids took to pacifiers and chew on, suck or lick their security blankies. The pics of your beautiful Princess P were so sweet!