Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July to everyone...a day late! Sorry about that, we were in Phoenix, spending the holiday, and I forgot my laptop and also my camera cord so I couldn't post any pictures.....so here is an update from our weekend!
5 July 09
Happy Birthday to Grandma !
Today is my Mom's birthday so we went to spend the weekend with her. We spent the weekend doing what Grandma wanted, two malls and having lunch with Grandma and her friend Susan at Elephant Bar.
Here is Grandma and Peyton with the Build-a-Bear horse that we got Grandma for her birthday, complete with a sound chip of Peyton laughing. Back when we were at the Dosokai at Disneyland we bought the sound chip so we could capture Peyton talking or making noise, but we were able get a great clip of giggling - so all Grandma has to do is push a button and she can listen when she misses Princess P!
Peyton received a present too - some cute Janie and Jack clothes. She has always loved blue - she concentrates on anything blue, so Grandma bought a really pretty new blue shirt for Peyton - here she is wearing it, and I must admit, she does look good in blue....
Peyton received a present too - some cute Janie and Jack clothes. She has always loved blue - she concentrates on anything blue, so Grandma bought a really pretty new blue shirt for Peyton - here she is wearing it, and I must admit, she does look good in blue....
4 July 09
Happy 5 month birthday to our little angel!
Peyton Sakura turned 5 months old on July 4th. We are amazed at how much she has grown and changed in such a short amount of time.
We are so blessed to have such an amazingly good baby.
A few stats on Peyton.
- Eats every 4 hours - 5 ounces of formula
- LOVES her bath and now splashes
- Gives hugs and kisses (or grabs and baby licks)
- Loves when Daddy comes home and gives his the BIGGEST smiles!
- Pulls Mommy's hair, so most of the time it's in a ponytail
- Studies everyone and everything, but is still selective about who and when she gives out smiles - but is a very happy baby
- Laughs out loud
- Reaches for everything and then puts everything that she gets in her mouth
- Goes to bed around 9 p.m. and wakes up around 6 a.m - most days!
- Hates her car seat (so we tried the larger one this weekend, but I think she's too small for it still, it looked very uncomfortable)
- In most clothes she is still in 3-6 months
- First ride in a swing (besides her baby swing) - she says Thank You to Zakkary (our nephew), since this was his swing from waaaaay back when he was a baby almost 16 years ago (where does the time go? I still remember Zakk in this swing for his first swing ride...).
- She also enjoyed her first 'real' swim in a pool - her first time in the pool was at Sierra's birthday party in early June, but she just got her feet wet then, this time she enjoyed her float (it was dusk, I didn't want to put her in the pool when it was SO hot outside like 108 degrees, fearing she'd burn), and
- First fireworks - although that didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped, we spent a lot of time driving around, but before we left we watched some of the nearby fireworks.
Ready for the pool
Testing out the water
In her ladybug float
Sitting up tall
Layed back
Okay... Love her little 4th of July outfit! Sakura looks beautiful in blue! She looks like such a big girl in the swing (5 months already!). And I hear ya about always having to pull your hair back because somehow Mommy's hair is a pull toy to babies :) Looks like you guys had a great holiday weekend. Happy 4th to you too!
Love all the firsts! Fun swing and pool! She does look gorgeous in blue (and every other color--such a pretty baby)! Glad you had fun with your mom and the horse with the sound chip was such a sweet and sentimental idea.
Happy 4th and 5 months Peyton!
Awww...Peyton is so cute in all of her outfits! (Got to catch up with quite a few posts right now--so fun to see all the photos :D). Kai loved pulling hair too. Sometimes when he's tired he still does! We're always telling him to pet Sydney nicely too and not try to ride her like a horse!
Wish I could have found one of the "little sparkler" T-shirts - too cute. I think the older they get the more they hate the car seat. When we went to Florida in April we drove from Orlando to right outside Miami and Momoka didn't peep. Now we can't make it out the main gate on post without her fussing. if you figure out the secret of the seat, do share.
Jennifer, I read your blog all the time! I can't wait until we have Ivy, obviously! I might need a little advice about what you found helpful to bring with you to Japan... babywise... any thoughts?
I read your blog all the time! Thanks for leaving comments on mine too! We are so excited and nervous for our trip to pick up Ivy! I might need some advice on what to bring with us baby wise... any thoughts?
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