This time Mommy remembered to bring the camera so we have pictures of Peyton spending time with Katie and her family.
Nicole and Peyton Sakura
Yesterday I had to go to work to receive an award that I missed earlier in the month --- unfortunately the Safety Meeting is held at o'dark-thirty in the morning (well 6:45 a.m.) --- so that meant getting up early, getting ready for work, getting the Princess up and over to Katie's all by 5:45 a.m.!

All went well and here are a few pictures that Katie took while I was away - LUCKILY we got another good report from Katie - Katie even said that Sakura chan smiled at her hubby Mike, and she'd never met him before - I told Katie "She LOVES men!", and that really is true,
Sakura tends to smile at all of the engineers (most of them are men) at work before she smiles at the ladies.
Sakura tends to smile at all of the engineers (most of them are men) at work before she smiles at the ladies.

The girls!
Katies girls have gotten so big! I remember when Samantha was born!
Three pretty girls.
That is a true friend to watch Peyton at 5:45 a.m.
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