We then went to Wal*Mart to pick up a couple things and I got the STUPIDEST comment ever "Is she yours, or is she adopted?".....I won't go into what I was thinking, and don't know how I maintained control and didn't say something to her about being stupid, but I did maintain and just said "She's Mine and yes, she is adopted....you stupid ....." Oh I wasn't going to go there - LOL - I didn't say that to the woman, and I was even nice and chatted for a few minutes without walking away. Sometimes I surprise myself!
That is so awesome about the movie. I don't think Seth would sleep that much. How was it? I heard it is funny too. I have not been to a movie in the movie theater since the summer of 2006 before Savannah came home. But, that is ok.
Get used to the stupid, ignorant, insensitive comments. I get them all the time. It makes my blood boil. I actually complained to the manager at Kohl's because a cashier made a comment to me twice. I get is she yours all the time. No, I just found her or borrowed her and took her out to dinner and to the mall. But, the one I get all the time now about Seth is "Is he from China/Korea." And when I have both children it is "Are they real brother and sister?" That is the new one. Rich told a woman in a restaurant yes and then she said, "Bless your hearts to adopt two and they are from the same mother." Duh, stupid they are not even from the same country and I am their mother.
Sorry you had to endure that, but it pays not to say something snide back. Then you just stoop to the same level. It is just plain ignorance.
I'm so sorry Jennifer! People can be so ignorant. Fortunately we haven't encountered any comments like this but I'm sure it will be a matter of time. Most people don't think before they speak and now that you've had this experience it will help you know what to say when it happens again. It's hard educating people in one or two sentences especially when all you want to do is kick them in the teeth. Of course Sakura is YOUR baby. No question about it! We love our little Sakura-Chan!
Oh the comments! We get them weekly, sometimes daily. It is so frustrating and sometimes hurtful. But, you endure and when the time is right you defend yourself, your child and sometimes even the bio-mom in a matter of seconds and you walk away feeling empowered!
I can understand the curiousity, but geez, people, learn to phrase your questions a little better. Think before you speak.
Jennifer - Since Misao is Japanese (and since it's nobody's darn business anyway) I tell people Momoka is half Japanese and half caucasian. The top half of Momoka looks Japanese like her mom and the bottom half looks American like me. That stops people right in their tracks. I told a Korean lady that at the commissary and she stopped, paused, thinking, thinking then looked at me like I had horns coming out of my head. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. I've also told a caucasian person the same thing and it has worked both times in getting that "HUH?" look from the person asking the moronic question. Since we are kind of in the same situation (except reversed) please feel free to use the line - just tell me what kind of reaction you get when you drop the bomb on some nosey old biddy body in Walmart - haha.
Yes, there will always be these people to deal with and I think you answered this particular person perfectly. Remember when we had dim sum at New Canton? There's this one Chinese lady there who always tells me that our two look like their daddy. How funny is that when I'm the Asian one and he's Caucasian? Life will always be full of surprises.
People are stupid and insensitive and don't often think before they speak. Lucky for her you are too sweet to really give her a piece of your mind ;) Sounds like you handled it beautifully.
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