We took a "bad" situation and made the best of our trip, we made it a vacation, did some sight seeing and had a very nice time visiting with family we don't get much time to visit normally. We couldn't have asked for a better week - well the weather was plain HORRIBLE, us Arizonan's aren't used to humidity and humid it was! I don't know how ANYone lives in that - UGH!
Today we went to Blue Ridge, Ga. did some sightseeing, shopping, lunch and then back "home" for a nap for Sakura then up to the cabin to have dinner with Dad, Jane and Uncle Joey and visit with Big Papa.

Finished dinner, and making the walk to Great Grandpa's house - that's my Dad's house being built, don't know how Gramma Janie does it living in a TEENY tiny travel trailer so long and managing, but she does and even managed to fix dinner for us a few times! She's the BEST!
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