Today was the first time the class got to head over to the water park for some fun, so I headed over at their designated time to snap a few pictures of Sakura with her classmates splashing around and enjoying the water. I have to admit I have a new found appreciation for the paparazzi! This was no easy task trying to get close enough to snap some pictures (with the telephoto lens) and remain unseen. I had to move the car a few times as I was almost spotted, OR Sakura would stand right behind a big bush! UGH! It was very fun watching what unfolded while I was there watching though.
When they first got there, they were all sitting on a bench, before long the water was turned on and out ran a couple of the kids who couldn't wait. There mine sat on the bench, I thought "Oh this should be fun" - before long I saw Miss Myra head over and try to coax Sakura off the bench, and I watched as I knew exactly what was happening, Sakura refused and remained sitting on the bench - UGH! My kiddo has to do things on her own and in her own time/comfort. It wasn't long and off popped Sakura - she stood far back from the water chaos though again until she was ready then off she went and as you can tell by the numerous photos below - she LOVED the water park.

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