When we planned our trip, we had just gotten Jessamine's Graduation announcement and party invitation - I really wanted to go - we were there right after Jess was born, for her 1st birthday party, and many other special times so it was important to me that we try and get here for Jess' party, unfortunately we missed the Graduation itself as we didn't get to Sacramento until Friday afternoon and it was that evening, but we were able to make it to the celebration of our beautiful niece. Didn't get many pictures of either Jess or Steph, the house was full of teenagers/young adults so understandably the girls were outside visiting with their friends, but I did get a couple.
I probably should have gone outside to take some photos, but Jiichan had fallen down one of the steps, so we all stuck very near him - unfortunately it was inside the house :o( He was okay, but it was a pretty loud crash and we were terrified afterwards.
Congratulations Jessamine Megumi Greenspan we couldn't be more proud of you!
Cute decorations in school colors. Dean commented that they were "sucky" colors, I was surprised at that since they're SF Giants colors, but apparently they are school rival colors too. LOL - guess some things never fade - high school memories last a lifetime!
Our poor baby was STARVING (maybe an understatement) when we got there - I think it's rude to eat before guests arrive, but Daddy did find a cracker and brie for her to munch on - of course she kept asking for more...poor kiddo - it was after 2:00 and she hadn't had lunch.
I LOVE hydrangea's - Linda has some beautiful ones in her yard.
Sakura "posing" for a picture, with a mouthful of cracker I think! LOL
Jessamine blew up a special balloon for Sakura who was asking for a balloon since the decorations outside were pretty balloons.
Walking down the steeeeeeep stairs
The cake was DELICIOUS - there was one white and one chocolate
There's the Graduate! Jess cutting her cakes.
Sakura eyeballing the "cupcake".
There is Steph sitting down - this is the ONLY pic you can almost see her in.
Right after we had cake, my Inlaws were ready to head back to Auntie Fumiyo's - I wanted to stay, but the fall really scared my MIL so we headed out. Sakura giving hugs to her cousin Steph.
And a hug for Jessamine too.
SO Hard to believe that Jess is now a young adult, so bittersweet. She was a beautiful baby and now a beautiful young lady that we love very much!
I know you were thankful to be able to attend her party! What a great memory! Sakura looked so pretty!
I know you were so thankful to be able to attend! What a great memory. Sakura sure looked pretty!
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