Happy HinaMatsuri 2011
to our beautiful little girl!

We had a busy day celebrating HinaMatsuri with Sakura. I always love getting her dolls out and displaying them in the living room - you are supposed to put them in the best room in your house, and I figure that's where we spend the most time so that's where they go. Sakura enjoyed looking (AND touching) her dolls this year - she didn't really touch the dolls, but the accessories. I just told Sakura that we only look at these pretty dolls, and she never touched them again. She is SO good!!! We enjoyed dinner at the same place as last year - it will be our tradition unless they going out of business or something - at Ah-So and we had teppanyaki (OISHI!). Sakura enjoyed her miso soup,which still is just about her favorite thing, as well as enjoying our rice and veggies too. Sakura also enjoyed some traditional HinaMatsuri arari - which she wasn't very fond of ... quite surprising since Sakura really loves arari!
Here are a few pictures from dinner at Ah-So.

Sakura was SO tired when we got home it was a rush to get her in the bathtub and to bed....
Here is what I am calling the "out takes" from our photo session --- the reason I call them out takes is because we were on our way out of the first location that we had her birthday pictures taken and I remembered the kimono pictures...the location closed in like 5 minutes so I hurried to change Sakura into the kimono, change her hair clip to the special one Auntie Misty made, and guess what .... I forgot to remove the leggings she was wearing because I never dreamed they would show in the pictures....guess what - lesson learned - remove whatever you DON'T want to show! UGH! Still adorable pictures so here are the "out takes"!

My beautiful little cherry blossom is growing up way too fast!

Peeking in to see what's going on - the great escape I call this one since the door leading back to the car is just inside this building....
"I'm Done Now" says Sakura :)

I am and hope that I will always be in awe!
1 comment:
Great post Jen! Love all the pictures of sweet Sakura! That is awesome she can wear your Kimono. How special!
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