Sakura LOVED Kira so much - it was so sweet watching them together and when we left Kira gave Sakura a kiss goodbye (unprompted), it was adorable!
Unfortunately I didn't get many other pictures from our weekend - but took lots at Apple Hill.
The sole purpose of our trip was to take blue prints of our house renovations to Dean's parents so they could approve/decide on what we're going to be adding on to accomodate them. They will be moving here and living with us in the near future. So we had lots of things to do at their house to get it ready to list for sale, they'll move here, rent a house until their house sells and then we'll build on another master suite for them. We are very excited that they'll be so close and can watch Sakura grow up.
On to the pictures.....

I wanted to bring home a pumpkin but Daddy said no :(
Can I have this one?
Tripp has his pumpkin!
How about two? Check out Sakura's expression - that must be one HEAVY baby pumpkin!
Perfect pumpkins!
Two for me please....
Two perfect pumpkins - Kira and her pumpkin
Playing with Auntie Nancy while we had our lunch

Tripp went first and took a big horse for a ride....he almost had a little tumble on the back stretch, but he stayed on and rode! Way to go Trippster!
Ready to Ride~
There she proud of our big girl!
Sakura on her 1st pony ride~go Sakura chan!

Then it was on to pony rides for the kids!

Then it was Sakura's turn....
I wasn't too sure she would go through with it, but she wanted to go and we wanted her to try. She has been known to be a little intimidated at things, but not this time!

Crying and kicking, arching her back - she was one unhappy little girl!
The girls playing in Auntie Nancy's legs...shaking hands (so sweet!)
And then the hugs began....melt my ♥!
Playing in Daddy's legs now, while we waited for face painting!
Tripp having his face painted - he wanted Mickey!
Kira got Minnie
Sakura's 2nd pony ride!
Riding the pony
Go Sakura!
Playing on the hay bails
Enjoying a snack with Tripp - he was SO sweet, Sakura finished her snack and Tripp kept giving Sakura more of his....what a sweet little host he is! Thank You Tripp!
Sakura riding on Kira's Roady.


Daddy felt like Sakura loved that pony ride so much that she should get another ride, so off we went to the ponies for another ride. Sakura loved it again and we replayed the earlier scene with a smaller fit, because we told her we were going to see I said earlier Sakura LOVED Kira so she stopped crying and we walked up the hill and met everyone.
Sakura was happy again after she saw Kira.

My they learn so young!!
Sakura will be asking Santa Claus for a kitchen set for Christmas - she loved Kira's!

what a sweet brother
The only other pictures I took was this one - Sunday I painted the bathroom to get it ready for the move...while I was doing another one of my 'chores' programming the bedroom telephone, Sakura got into the paint (brush) - looks like she thought it looked tasty? Ugh.
This was the other picture I snapped, we were getting ready to leave, stopped for lunch and as you can tell nobody was in a very good mood - Jichan knew we were leaving, and Sakura was TIRED (understatement~)....but it's better than nothing. Jichan will be SO happy when they get moved down here and he can see Sakura on a regular basis - they share a special love that I hope lasts forever!
I love the pictures. The one of Sakura lifting the pumpkin behind Tripp is a riot. She is so gorgeous and her hair is getting so long. I love it. The kids are precious together and I wouldn't want to sleep with all those great toys either. What fun. Sweet Sakura having a toddler moment--no way! Got to love this age--so much fun, but so emotional too. Thanks for sharing everything a how special that Dean's parents are moving close to you.
Wonderful photos! I can't choose a favourite since there are so many great ones. Love Sakura's expressions! So glad you were able to visit with the Demetris' and go to apple hill. Looks like a great place! Maybe one of these years we can all meet up there :)
Love all the photos! Can't believe Sakura is getting so big and independent! Looks like everyone had a good time and it's going to be so nice when Jichan gets to spend lots of time with Sakura chan. Loved hearing her sing too!
She sure is growing fast. What a great set of photos. I put some new ones on Momoka up today.
such fun pictures! i didn't realize dean's parents were going to be living with you all - that's so awesome! how neat for sakura and her grandparents to have that memory!
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