Happy Halloween from our family to Yours!
Tonight we took Sakura to a few places for some Trick-or-Treating. We don't give her much candy, but since I got her a costume and it was so cute, I couldn't resist dressing her up and heading out. First Trick-or-Treat for Sakura was a house she is VERY familiar with....and she knew just where to go - see...

Sakura loves Katie and her 'adopted' siblings!
Katie lives right down the street from one of Dean's engineer's so we headed over to say Happy Halloween to Jason and his family - only Jason wasn't home :( We got a visit in with Jason's son Jacob and his sister Mel for a few minutes, then off we were...
Daddy and Sakura headed to our next stop ----
Yep, Vannesa and Juan's - and baby Anabelle - but she wasn't quite ready yet, so we didn't grab any pictures of the two kiddos together - next year Anabelle!!! Sakura loved seeing that bowl of candy that Vannesa was offering, so much that she thought Vannesa was offering her the whole bowl, look at her hands.
A close-up. Thank you Vannesa!
Vannesa insisted that Sakura have a few pieces so Sakura was doing everything within her power to hold onto as many pieces of candy as she could - she held them tightly against her tummy!

We came home and Trick-or-Treated at our neighbors that we have had since we moved in 18 years ago, and then the new neighbors we have right across the street - they thought Sakura was "Que Bonita" (aka: how pretty) and snapped about 10 pictures of her. It was pretty cute! They have a new baby boy, I think he is about 3 months old and so cute and cuddly looking!
Here is Sakura after returning home, inspecting her loot!