It was kind of funny, as soon as I pulled into the parking lot at the Zoo, Sakura woke up and said "MOM"...I said "Yes?" She said "Dada?" I told her no, Daddy isn't here. She's funny how she 'addresses' you now - definitely "Mom...I have a question tone".

While we waited for Jill and Camden to arrive we hung out by the Flamingos. With each 'animal' Sakura would get upset - she didn't quite understand there were more, and thoroughly enjoyed EACH and every stop....often complaining when we'd leave.

Sitting patiently....

Trying to get a closer view!

I am FREE for a few - it's not a great thing to take Sakura out of the stroller right now - at this age, which I think is totally normal, she protests when she has to go back in - which she did every time we got her out! Ugh!

My beautiful little girl watching the flamingos

Here she was actually waving to them --- and saying HI!
Jill and Camden arrived and our first stop was the petting zoo!

Hmmm, these don't look like my dogs?!

Jill and Camden petting the goat

Sakura refused to pet the sweet little brown goat above, but she did pet this white one - Jill assessed that it might be because our dogs are white? Interesting, hadn't thought about that, but probably pretty accurate!

Our Little Primates!

Sakura picked up on the "E-E-E" sound right when I told her, and kept repeating it. Too Funny!

LOVE the Koala's

I have always loved these guys - here is Bai Yun eating away on bamboo
More of Bai Yun

Lorakeets having a snack
I think these were Lorey's if I remember correctly from the sign, the colors were SO brilliant!
One more fav - the sea otters - they were romping and playing it was hard to get any shot of them not in the water.

Next stop (the hike to the pandas was brutal!) Jill and I headed to the aviary where we were able to sit on the benches, it was so nice and cool in there, and just chat - what more could girls ask for :) We enjoyed listening to the birds chirp away - these guys were right across from us, aren't they sweet?!

Goodbye San Diego Zoo...Goodbye Jill and Camden - we had a great day visiting!

Sakura and I left the house about 7:45 and got home after 8:00 p.m. so it was a long day, but well worth it. Sakura was a complete ANGEL in the car - no fussing, crying or anything, she was an awesome little trooper. She did sleep about 40 minutes on the way there, just before we got to the zoo, but no sleeping on the way home - she had zonked out in the stroller just before we left and I will admit that made me a little worried, but she was like I said, an ANGEL all the way home - her only complaint - she missed DADA! Half of the drive home, she kept saying "DaDa"...
Looks like you and Sakura had a great time. Tim and Paul flew to San Diego today.
Wonderful photos! Looks like a fabulous day! So glad you had a great "girl's day". Sakura is just as cute as ever.
It looks like you had a great time! The koalas are so cute, but not as much as those babers!
Love Sakura in her zebra print! ADORABLE! That walk to the Pandas IS killer--plus we were always getting lost--this time we took the bus! Glad everyone had such a good time. You've got so much energy to do that in one day!
Looks like the kiddos and their mommys had a fantastic time! Great pix!
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