Sakura now weighs 24 lbs (50%) and she is 31 inches long (25%)! Everything is great and Sakura is progressing along at the same pace which is what they like to see.

Since Sakura is 18 months old now - a big 1 1/2 year old (unbelievable to me!!!) -
I thought it would be fun to list 18 of Sakura's favorite things (in no particular order - although the first one is probaby #1 on her list!).
- Daddy
- Mommy
- Gohan (rice)
- Japanese TV shows - Inai, Inai, Baa, With Mother, and Pythagoraswitch Mini
- The book - Moo, Baa, La La La and she has me read it about 4 times each time
- Ice cubes!
- Her blanket when it's bedtime - but she doesn't really carry it around any other time
- Miso soup
- Food (in general)
- Playing outside
- The book - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
- Saying NO (or no, no, no, no, no if she really doesn't want something - shaking her head)
- Playing with anything and everything in the cabinets (we don't have locks so I am constantly putting things back, several times a day - just for Sakura to get it all back out!)
- Climbing up and down on the kitchen chairs, step stools, bathtub steps, our bed, etc.
- Coloring (aka: scribbling) with colored pencils - not crayons
- Watching videos on everyone's blogs
- Dancing
- Daddy throwing her in the air
Wow! She grew a lot and those are awesome numbers that shows she is right where she should be--healthy and happy! Seth likes a lot of those 18 things too. She is such a cutie patootie!
Yay for Sakura! Glad she's healthy and progressing nicely! Just as I would expect her to. Love all her favourites. Such a happy girl!
Cute pictures! I can't believe Sakura is 18 months old already!! Don't you just love this age? Time is going by way too fast! Love her list of favorites too!
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