I was a bit worried about taking Sakura to the movies, but we went anyway. Sakura did really awesome, she is just 17 months old, and until about the last 20 or so minutes of the movie she sat quietly munching on her rice crackers and drinking her water (no popcorn for Sakura!). Here she is getting settled before the movie started. I am so proud of my baby girl for being so good! The movie was great (how could it not be when it had adoption in it?!). We all enjoyed it very much! I think Sakura would have sat through the whole thing had there not been about 20 minutes of movie trailers before it started.

Sakura and Daddy at the movies
wow, thanks awesome! yay sakura! i'm still too chicken to take megumi and she's almost 3, haha! good job, sakura! does your city have those free or $1 movies during the summer for kids on tues or wed. mornings? i think regal and amc theatres do them maybe you could take sakura again.
Way to go Sakura! Glad you all enjoyed the movies. Kumi and Sakura can go together next time except good luck keeping popcorn away from Kumi :)
How fun! That's amazing that Sakura could sit through most of the movie. What a good girl! :). Great job!
Fun! Glad you had such a great time!
What a good girl Sakura is! I'm with Belinda--scared to take Kai...but I think we're going to make an attempt with Toy Story 3 soon. Love her "How pretty is Sakura" pose!
Way to go Sakura! That was a cute movie - we missed the movie David wanted to see and ended up seeing that instead - had no idea it had adoption in it! A plus! :)
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