It's hard to believe that Sakura is already 15 months old! Wow, where does the time go? Today she had her 15 month check-up, complete with two additional shots (ICK!). Sakura was a trooper and only cried a second for the actual shots, but boy did she HATE the height and weight check this time - OMG! I think the definite 'fear' of other people is setting in. Poor little girl!
Here are Sakura's stats:
Sakura is 29 1/4 inches long

and 22 lbs
She is still a shortie, in the 10 percentile, and her weight has dropped down to the 50th percentile, she had actually lost weight since her last appt in February and grown a bit taller. Guess that's where those cheeks went :(
Mommy got in trouble for scheduling Sakura's appt. on a day that she normally goes to the sitter...little Samantha was NOT happy that Sakura wasn't coming this morning until she was already at school - she got mad at Katie and Katie told her that she needed to tell Jennifer about it. Oops...sorry Sammie I will do better next time and schedule her appt on a Friday :)
Happy 15 months sweet girl!
Look at you Miss Sakura-Chan! Great pictures of that adorable little girl, as always. Sorry she had to get those mean ol shots but happy to hear she was a trooper.
Love that face. Can't wait to see her in person. The shots will be over soon until she is 4. Seth was 28 1/4 inches and 20 lbs at 12 months, so he and Sakura are around the same size.
Love that face. Can't wait to see her in person. The shots will be over soon until she is 4. Seth was 28 1/4 inches and 20 lbs at 12 months, so he and Sakura are around the same size.
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