A special vest
Back in March when we got Sakura, Okada san gave us this sweet little vest. It was quite big (at the time) for Sakura and recently I pulled it out and it fits....this vest was given to Sakura chan by her Bio Grandma (Bachan). I hate to put it on Sakura because I want to keep it nice, but I know that she would want Sakura to wear it, I know how special it is, and want to keep it nice for Sakura. Today I took a few picture of Sakura out back to send to Taz so she could share them with Sakura's Bio Grandma. Her outfit came from Grandma (my mom), so she was dressed by a couple of her Grandmas! We think she looks pretty cute!
Sakura is now pointing at everything! Her little shirt should say "chapped cheeks"! Today we went to work, and one of Daddy's engineers commented that her shirt was 'right'. Must be pretty rosy for the guys to notice!
The vest is so pretty on your beautiful Sakura! It must have been bittersweet for her to wear it but it will definitely mean a lot to her bio Gma and Sakura when she gets older. LOVE the pics with what I'm assuming are from the T1i.
Very special. What a great keepsake for Sakura-chan.
Beautiful photos. I'm sure Sakura-Chank's bio-grandmother will enjoy seeing the photos. You're very thoughtful to send them to her.
How special! I would have done the same thing--let her wear it and take a picture and then save it. That will mean a lot to her. She looks beautiful in that shade of pink (she looks beautiful in everything).
Her hair is getting so long. I love it up in a head band. And yes, we all have rosy cheeks.
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