All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Big Girl
Monday, January 25, 2010
Let's go to work....

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Some pictures from the last month

Sakura crying because Michael got a little too close "He touched me"....Michael wondering what's up with her???
Auntie Cheryl mentioned that I should be proud that Sakura hasn't been "warehoused with a bunch of other babies all day long" great point Auntie Cheryl and yes, we're VERY proud of that! I definitely have been afforded the luxury of working from home and now that Sakura does go to a "babysitter" three days a week - I'm even more blessed that my great friend Katie watches Sakura and the only kids she is exposed to are her kids! I couldn't ask for a better babysitter, Katie treats Sakura as if she was her fourth child.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I LIKE pickles!

We are SO fortunate that she is such a great eater, since we are both pretty picky!

Just another picture from this weekend, a freshly bathed baby, is there anything better?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Ruff-Ruff video
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A special vest

Monday, January 4, 2010
11 months old!

- At 11 months we FINALLY found a food that she doesn't like - of all things pineapple! We were at Mimi's this past weekend and Sakura now eats just about everything we eat (minus the no-no's that the Dr. told us about until after she is 1 year old), and when Daddy shared his pineapple, Sakura CRIED! Guess that means that she didn't like it!
- She is still standing and walking around things, but not yet walking on her own.
- She has 4 teeth and it looks like two more will emerge any day!
- She has a few new words - YaYa for Yancha Bozu and Ruff, Ruff, Ruff (I've GOT to get this on video, she cracks us up with the expression she makes when she says this!) - instead of saying just a nice sweet "MaMa" she hollers "MOM" when she wants something, it doesn't matter if I'm sitting right beside her I think she figures if she hollers she'll get immediate attention?
- She does Patty-Cake and claps for "Yay Sakura"
- Waves HI and Bye-Bye
- LOVES to be 'walked' holding on to your hands and walking like a big girl
- "Holds" things in her mouth so her hands are free to crawl, walk, or do whatever else she might want to do...just like Kumi!
- She has started "dancing" or "bouncing" when she listens to something she likes on TV
- HATES bibs!

Walking like a big girl with her friend coming along.
The Happiest Place on Earth with the little girl that has made us the Happiest People on Earth!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Dinner with the Galakatos family
These next few photos tell a little story, the story of Sakura having "pains" for Sinclair.
Photo #1 - All is well, Sakura loves watching Sinclair.....Sakura loves Cory, he gets LOTS of smiles!
Photo #2 - Sinclair has a little melt down because she wanted the straw and Mommy wanted a nice picture without the straw....notice Sakura's face
Photo #3 - Poor Sakura doesn't like Sinclair crying, and joins in - my friend is upset, I'm upset too!
Christmas Part II
Sorry these pics are in reverse order, right now it won't let me move them.