We couldn't resist taking Sakura to have her pictures taken for her 9 month milestone...and since it was so close to Halloween, we opted for her in her costume.
It's hard to believe that Sakura chan is already 9 months old.
Time has flown by and we have enjoyed every single second of her.
At 9 months old Sakura is eating some tidbits of bread, muffins, pasta, tofu, and rice. She continues to get lots of different foods, she loves kiwi, eggplant, squash, pumpkin, peaches, plums to name a few.
In this next week we will be adding some chicken to her diet..wonder how that will go? Somehow I think it will be fine, Sakura is a very good eater, much better than her parents (Thank God!).
Sakura is now pulling herself up and standing, she "moves" around things and goes from the table to the couch letting go for a split second.
She says DaDa, MaMa, BaBa (which may be binkie?)..not sure.
She is the light in our lives, the joy in our hearts, and the biggest blessing!
Happy 9 months Sweet Pea, we love you so much!
Happy 9 months to the cutest ladybug ever! That hat is adorable on her--the better to see her little face :D
i love the picture!!!
Happy 9 months Sakura-chan! My my she's doing a lot already. Before you know it she's going to be running around getting into everything! I can't wait :)
She is adorable!
That is the cutest little bug ever. She is just a living doll. I know how you feel about her. It is just amazing having a child in your life, isn't it. They are a blessing and a miracle everyday. I love every single second of it too. Enjoy every moment and memory.
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