Let's go.....Leaving on a Jet Plane, first plane ride since coming home from Narita Airport!
We flew to California on Thursday and Friday we got together with The Cech and DeMetris families, which is always a highlight of our trips to California.
This trip was even more special, since we finally got to meet Misty and Kumiko Clark in person, unfortunately Daddy Shane wasn't able to make it - they flew all the way from Virginia to attend the Across the World Adoptions picnic on Saturday, and spend time with Nancy and Eryn. We feel like they are part of our extended family as we have been communicating with them since Kumi came home from Japan last year - it was just very special to be able to hold and hug sweet Kumi, she is SO cute and has the biggest smile, we can see where she gets it, Kumi is a clone of her Mommy!
Auntie Eryn fixed a delicious lunch for all of us, despite being extremely busy right now, and having a broken foot on top of that! We don't quite know how Auntie Eryn does all that she does for everyone - she is always so giving of herself! Auntie Nancy too...despite running Tim to the hospital for surgery, she was able to manage visiting too! These two are amazing! Peyton Sakura was showered with sweet gifts from everyone - thank you ALL!
Kumi and her little friend that she was toting around in her mouth - SO cute...I think she has taught Sakura this mode of transportation....as you'll see in another post!
All of this excitement makes a baby tired....sound asleep on Daddy
L - R Kira, Tripp, Sakura, Kumiko and Miya all cuties from Japan!
Another bit thing happened Friday September 18th!
Yes it's true, the little tiny tooth (lower right) has begun to emerge....you can feel it and see it but it's not ALL the way out yet!
First tooth! That's big! Congratulations Sakura-chan! We had a fabulous time visiting everyone and especially meeting you, Dean and sweet Sakura. I couldn't get enough of Sakura. She's such a doll! Thank you for letting me hold her so much. I think my sister wanted to take Sakura home with her too :) Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and we can't wait to see more pictures when you have a better internet connection. Miss you guys!
What a cute little traveler. Glad you had a good time. can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.
Well, can't wait to see the new photos, but loved your last couple of posts. Sakura is sooooo cute!!! Congrats Miss Peyton, on your standing up milestone! She is adorable in that ladybug float and with her little blue bow. (Kai loved to grab at Sydney's paws too...they must be fascinating to babies :D).
Thanks so much for coming over and overlooking my disaster of a house! ;-P we loved seeing you as usual and P.S. is as beautiful as ever! Come again soon!!
Gregor, Eryn, Emi, Miya and Nikko
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