So I decided to try our grocery cart cover, which works pretty well - Peyton isn't "sitting" up yet, so I have to prop her with a blanket on either side, the other day it was a cantalope on one side, and my purse on the other, she's fine with that :)

I know, I know...I chopped off her head...but you can still see her smile :)
OK - to answer a couple of questions from our Comments (yes I read every comment):
Question: Why do I split up her shots?
Answer: I have chosen to split them up at the recommendation of our Japan Coordinator - she stated that in Japan they don't give babies all of their immunizations (3 in one appt., plus the polio drops) because they feel that it is hard on such young babies to go through it all at once, they split them up. Since I think Taz knows everything there is to know (afterall she is who am I indebted to forever for finding our daughter), I have chosen to follow her recommendation. LOL - really I do think Taz has the best interest of the babies at all times, and I don't think that she would give us any advice that she didn't follow herself.
No really, I figured it made perfect sense to split them up and have it less traumatic on Peyton - as much as I HATE shots, the thought of her having three all at one time just seemed cruel - many years of infertility injections SUCKED (having multiple shots at once), I think I'd rather have one (maybe two) at a time myself.
Question 2: How do you get her to leave her sunglasses on?
Answer: PURE luck - she hasn't ever grabbed for them, although that might change since she now grabs and reaches for everything in sight...but so far, I think she is just plain used to Mommy putting crap on her ;o)
Have a question...just ask :o)
Our yummy Sukiyaki that I made for dinner last night - I LOVE Sukiyaki...
Peyton sleeping this morning, after rolling over from her tummy (it was nap time), I thought she looked SO cute with her little hand up.
I LOVE the picture of her with her hand up. What a beautiful baby!
Great post Jennifer! Sakura-Chan is getting so big. 15 lbs already! I can't belive it. I may be wrong but those PJ's in the last picture sure look familiar. :)
I love the sleeping with her hand up.
Seth also HATES the carseat (and I don't like that word, but it fits here). I take him shopping in the Baby Bjorn and he usually falls asleep. Just an idea, but it is hard to unload the cart with a sleeping baby on your chest. Do you have grocery delivery in your area? I use that for the big things and then just go and pick up a few specialty items.
Come to think of it, I don't think our pediatrician office gives more than 2 shots at a time. I don't ever remember Savannah getting three and for Seth's 2 month he only got 2 and then I took him back four weeks later for his 2nd Hep B and he will get the same two at the 4 month visit at the 2 month visit and I guess the Polio drops too. Different MD's offices have different protocols and ways they do things, but as the parents you have to do what you feel is best for you and your child. I am just glad they won't remember it at this age. I am already dreading that Savannah will have to get them again for kindergarten in 2 years when she WILL know what is going on. I am fortunate that neither of my children have reactions to vaccinations. Seth isn't dramatic about it at all. He barely cries. Savannah on the otherhand, a bit more dramatic.
Jennifer, have you looked at:
Rakuten is kind of like a Japanese only different.
The page above is in English, if you search "cotton fabric" you can locate some bolts of fabric printed in Japan. Good luck!
Oh she looks so cute in the shopping cart! I love her fuzzy little head :)
Peyton is sooo cute! All your photos are great. ( Love her on the golf cart in sunglasses with her "siblings." :D Your sukiyaki looks delicious (or as Kai says "ishy") too! We split up Kai's shots as well.
I just Googled japanese fabric and this website popped up:
There's some pretty stuff. Sorry if shipping's outrageous or something; I didn't do any research other than that!
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