First Character meeting - Goofy (at the Disneyland Hotel Lobby)
Peyton Sakura-chan and Goofy
Snoozing on Daddy through dinner at Naples
Heading to Disneyland
Kelly and Kai, Mommy and Peyton on Storybook Land
"Covering her ears" on It's a Small World
Snoozing on the way back to the room for a rest
This weekend is the Dosokai for the ATWA Japan adoption group. We are enjoying visiting and meeting many new families. Last night we had dinner together at Naples (Pizza was YUMMY), then today we went to the parks, and tomorrow we will have a Character (aka: "Chatter" in our family) lunch at Goofy's kitchen.
Peyton Sakura went on her first rides today, met her first (and only so far) Chatter Goofy, and spent time at Disneyland and California Adventure with friends. Our first ride was Storybook Land with Kelly, Clyde and Kai, 2nd ride was It's a Small World, then we went on Pirates of the Carribean - Peyton was only awake for Storybook Land, then fast asleep for It's a Small World (although I joked with Dean that it looks like she was trying to cover her ears - J/K, I'm sure she will LOVE this ride when she is a couple of years older, doesn't all little kids?).
We are back in the room for a bit, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to blog while Dean and Peyton nap.......who can nap when you are at Disneyland? DEAN!!! Those of you that know him aren't surprised I'm sure!
Looks like SO much fun! Hopefully we can come next year. It was a bit too much and too far for us this year (no vacation time left for hubby). We love Disney. Savannah now loves It's A Small World. We went in Tokyo too!
Looks like so much fun! Glad you were able to go and Sakura is such a cutie! Sorry we missed it this year but hopefully next year we'll be able to go too.
WOW, you're fast! it was so nice to meet you guys in person, hopefully we'll get more time to talk next time. i absolutely LOVE the picture of peyton in her sunglasses and mickey outfit - she's more stylish than i am! :)
Wish we could have been there to enjoy the rides with you! Hopefully next year. Loved the pics of Princess P in her Disney splendor!
Peyton is so adorable..Too Cute.
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