It is hard to believe that two months ago (yesterday) would be a day that changed our lives forever - for the better. Two months ago Peyton Sakura was born - two weeks ago today she was placed in our arms and our lives were forever changed.
Peyton is a blessing, a gift from God. She continues to be a very good baby, she eats well, sleeps (pretty) well, is really smiling a lot, and is starting to coo. She is now tracking her mobile and moves from object to object. She loves her bath time, and knows her Mommy and Daddy's voices.
Yesterday was her very first golf cart ride - we went to pick up Yancha Bozu and Wrigley at the groomer's, and of course, Miss Jennifer (our groomer) wanted to see the newest addition to our family - so we bundled her up in the Ergo on Daddy (it wasn't cold out, but on the golf cart with the wind, it makes it a little chilly) and off we went.
Today we went to the County Fair - Sakura-chan's first trip to the fair. Mommy and Daddy showed her some animals and rides (didn't ride any just looked). Here we are!
Mommy LOVES the bunnies, she picked this one out and then noticed that it had won CHAMPION, Mommy has good taste
Mommy loves the veal too - not to eat!
I really slept through most of the animals, but Mommy showed me anyway!
Happy 2 mo birthday to Princess P!
wow, you guys sure get around despite having a newborn! i'm totally impressed!
I can't believe she's already 2 months old and the photos from Sears aren't bad :)
Tanjobi Omedito Sakura chan! Momoka was three months old yesterday. I had no idea their birthdays were so close together on the calendar. Momoka is sleeping almost all night now - jealous?
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