Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time for Travel Arrangements!

Tonight we got an e-mail from Lesley at ATWA with our Embassy appointment! We have our Embassy appointment on Monday, March 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Okada-san and Taz will deliver our precious baby girl on

Sunday, March 22!

We will keep you informed as we make our travel arrangements....we are SO excited to finally know when we will travel - AND we will be joined by the Watanabe's (Kazuya's parents) - our Embassy appointments are on the same day!

How Exciting!

We still don't have any of Sakura's birth information and hope that we get that soon too, I know that everyone is as anxious as we are to find out!


demetrisfamily said...

YAY!!! What great news! You get to meet your precious little cherry blossom in a month! Sakura is in great hands and has Kazuya for company. Enjoy this month with just the two of you because it's forever going to change!

jill and ryan said...

how exciting! :D

cpayne1997 said...

That is wonderful!