Monday, February 9, 2009

It's a Girl!

Introducing Peyton Sakura Shimizu

Dean and I have a daughter....

All we know that she is about a week old and that we will travel to Japan to pick up our daughter sometime in March, more details to follow!


jill and ryan said...

jennifer and dean CONGRATULATIONS!!! i have goosebumps :) she is beuatiful adn you are going to make such great parents! much love and see you friday to celebrate!!!

demetrisfamily said...

CONGRATS Jennifer & Dean!!! What wonderful news and what a beautiful baby Peyton Sakura is! She is absolutely perfect and I'll second that you are going to be great parents! Can't wait to follow your journey to bringing her home!

Nancy, Tim, Tripp & Kira

jill and ryan said...

hey jennifer, please forgive all the type-os in my first comment! i was too excited to type correctly! :D

Mom said...

Too my "kids",
You will be the most wonderful parents. I always knew there was a special baby out there for you.... I never lost the "faith"....I can hardly wait to hold her in my arms, she is beautiful!
Love You 3..
Sakuras' Gramma ( & Papa)

Cyn said...

Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations Jennifer and Dean! What exciting news - she is adorable! How amazing... I just "spoke" with you on email about your baby and she was already born! :) I'm so happy for you - have a wonderful time in Tokyo with your baby girl - can't wait to follow along! :)

Cynthia, Daniel, and Cameron

Dean, Jennifer and Sakura said...

Amazing how things work, we didn't even know that we were proud parents yet when I chatted with you! You've been there, and know the feelings we are having right now, we can't wait to travel!


Carol Liebst said...
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Carol Liebst said...

Jenn and Dean,

Peyton will be an adored child and I know you will give her a loving home. I am very happy for you! You must be over the moon with excitement!

And now to start planning a little trip to Disneyland so Ryan Katherine can meet little Peyton Sakura! How long must we wait???

"Auntie Carol"

cpayne1997 said...

Congratulations on your beautiful bundle of joy! She is perfect and she will be the most blessed baby to have wonderful parents like the two of you.
