Our very own little butterfly

Um....I didn't take many pictures of anything else ;)
All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer.
Milk mustache - silly girl - cupcake frosting and milk make everything seem bearable -
even when it's in your nose!
As you can see, Sakura was back to normal in no time - thankfully.
I am just hoping that I don't rub off on her, if there was an accident to happen when I was growing up, it happened to me. I don't want Sakura following in my footsteps!
Sakura was SO shy with everyone - she does take forever to warm up normally but she didn't feel good so she was especially clingy.
Monkey See....
Monkey Do....
Sakura attempting to copy Sinclair, but she only had corkscrew pasta - LOL!
YAY for cupcakes -
we were telling Sakura that we were going to have cupcakes and she got VERY excited!
Both girls jumping up and down for cupcakes - pretty cute!