Like I said in an earlier post, our dear Uncle Fred recently lost his battle with lung cancer, so last week we headed to California to attend the services for Uncle Fred. We will sure miss him - he was an amazing man, generous, funny, caring, he loved Sakura chan very much - one time we were in California and didn't get by to see him (fearing that his chemotherapy would have taken it's toll on him, we didn't want to bother him), shortly after our return home, my Mother Inlaw called to tell us that Auntie said Uncle Fred waited for us to come by with Sakura - imagine how bad we felt. Every visit after that happened, we made SURE to stop by to say HI and let Uncle Fred visit with Sakura. As much as we will miss seeing Uncle, it is with some peace that he will no longer be in any pain from the cancer, and we know that he will always be "around".
We love you Uncle Fred - Rest In Peace.
On the plane headed to see our friends and family.
Sakura playing in the grass while we waited for Bachan and Jichan to pick us up at the airport.
Yawn....Sakura you wouldn't be tired IF you had slept on the plane silly girl!
Having fun with Daddy while we wait in the beautiful sunshine
Playing Around the World (on Daddy's shoulders)
There she goes....
Almost around.....
I always try to find some time to get together with our friends when we head to California, I only wish we had MORE time together, it is so much fun to see how the kids have grown, I really wish we lived closer so that we could get together for play dates too - as Sakura gets older and bigger (and someday walks) she would love to play with the kids. This time we met at Taro's for lunch.
Sakura (14 months) and Ivy (11 months)
Ivy generously shared her rice crackers with Sakura. Ivy had a cracker and Sakura had a cracker, and Ivy kept handing Sakura her cracker sweet!
We FINALLY got to meet Nikko, Eryn and Gregor's handsome son! He is SO adorable, his personality as well as you can see his looks - what a charming little boy - Sakura ♥d Nikko!
Group shot - my best attempt....silly kids don't they know they're all supposed to look at the camera when 3 of us are trying to get a shot of them - LOL! As you can see Sakura chan had other ideas, escaping from the bench!
Another attempt
Sakura got a little riding pony to keep at Bachan and Jichan's house!
Rocking on the pony
After the services for Uncle Fred, we all went to a Chinese resteraunt together, so we got a few minutes with our nieces - Jessamine and Stephanie with Sakura
The girls smiling
An extremely exhausted baby on our way home from the services
Daddy and Jichan with Sakura after the services
Onigiri made by Bachan for Sakura - Sakura's 1st onigiri (rice ball)
Sakura enjoying her onigiri
Sakura enjoying lunch #2 at Taro's with Mommy and Daddy we ♥ Taro's!
Chips at Chevy's on our last night with Bachan and Jichan
Sakura enjoying playing
and exercising with Jichan (J/K!)
and then playing a little piano too! Busy kid!
And then we headed home.....Goodbye Family and Friends until next time, we ♥ and miss you!