Saturday, October 31, 2009


Sierra, Sakura, and Nya

Pretty girls
Sierra and Nya went Trick-Or-Treating, but Sakura just went over for a photo op since we ordered their costumes from the same place we wanted to get a couple of pictures of them together.
I think they all looked super cute!
Happy 1st Halloween to our sweet little Ladybug and to everyone else!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

Warning: LOTS of pictures!

A little Princess up in the castle!
A Ladybug Princess that is.

With Mommy at the park.

First slide with Daddy...coming down from the castle.

Pretty little ladybug looking at the flowers

Mommy and her little ladybug

Daddy and his little ladybug

Little ladybug in the grass

So cute!

Happy little ladybug by the rock

Our girl!

Walking at the park with Daddy

Auntie Becky with the little ladybug
Happy Halloween Everyone!

Going to lunch with Auntie Carla

Well I didn't think to get the camera out while we were having lunch, but took a few pictures of my little cherry blossom waiting for Auntie Carla to get to Kneaders today.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cracks me up

This funny little expression makes me laugh so hard...Sakura does this pretty often, I hope that it never stops, how could you not smile at this face? This isn't the whole enchilada though, she's faking it here....her nose isn't as scrunched up as it normally is, as soon as she sees the camera she stops!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Newly discovered sound

Our sweet little angel has discovered that she can "bird call" - so she's no longer making raspberries for everyone, instead she's "bird calling" (as we've named this).

We also said GoodBye to Uncle Matty this morning, tonight he flies home to Atlanta, we are hoping that he's able to find a job here in Yuma! He was at the State Fair last week and found Sakura chan a shirt that he couldn't resist!

Thanks Uncle Matty, no doubt Sakura will think that her Uncle Matty Rocks!

Keep him in your prayers, unemployed with three kids is never a good thing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a few pics

Reminiscent of "The Little Rascals" - this is how she woke up from her nap the other day


More shoes...that I can eat - and two little teeth!

Today I tried the fruit pop thing....with kiwi in it, since Sakura figured that out quite quickly, I figured what the heck and gave her some cut up bites of kiwi - she loved it, I think feeling the gooshy food in her fingers as much as eating it....there was kiwi all over her arms, legs and face, but she loved it and that's what counts.
We have slowly been introducing new things to her, last week she had pieces of whole wheat bread at Kneader's and a little bit of pumpkin muffin at guess where...Mimi's Cafe!
So far, Sakura hasn't seemed to dislike anything we have given her.

Hmmmm, what's this Mommy?
Didn't take long to figure out there was something yummy inside.....

Evidence on the bib shows that she figured out to suck the pop pretty quickly, so we'll try pieces!
Evidence that someone enjoyed their kiwi and left only a few seeds!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend Pics

Just a few (of many) faces of an angel (with cereal face)!

Yancha Bozu still loves her, even though she's mobile and pulls his hair from time to time!

In movement....patting the table

So sweet

Watching Daddy

Hi Mommy

Funny face!

We had company this past weekend (again), so it was pretty busy around our house.
I also had a workshop on Saturday so it was nice to have my Mom here watching the baby so I could concentrate on figuring out what I was going to demonstrate AND going to do the demonstration. I know that Alice wouldn't mind me bringing little P.S. with me, but it is so much easier to do things without someone tugging on your pant leg :)
(Although I wouldn't trade it for anything!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sooooo sweet

New way of watching movies in her bouncer seat! It's hilarious to watch...she figits so much and then settles in like this...normally during the "boring" times is when she is figiting around.

Couldn't resist some raspberry pictures too!

Sakura loves to say MaMa, she says it over and over and over. She does still say DaDa from time to time, but mostly MaMa and "BaBa" - we're not sure what that "means" yet, since we don't refer to her bottle as bottle, we say "milk". On Tuesday when Daddy got home from work, me and Sakura were in the kitchen fixing dinner, Sakura saw Daddy and immediately said DaDaDa and waved her arms like I'm over here...and I missed you -

I think Daddy's heart melted at that very moment! It was SO sweet!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend Festivities

Mommy's Little Pumpkin

We had a fun weekend, nothing too exciting, except that we were all together, Daddy didn't work on Saturday so we went out shopping in the morning, and then we (Me and Sakura) went to Samantha's birthday party in the afternoon. While we were out shopping one of the stores had a little pumpkin display and I couldn't resist putting my little pumpkin amongst the other pumpkins for a photo op. We are going to head to the real pumpkin patch next weekend!

Lunch at Lutes, posing with Daddy

Lunch at Lutes, posing with Mommy

This is how I like to ride in my stroller, leaning forward pulling up on the bar....lunch at Lutes

My favorite thing at Samantha's party was making raspberries for everyone and hanging out with Nicole.....

and Ryan (look at all of Samantha's Littlest Pet Shop toys she got!)

Oh yeah, while we were shopping Daddy tried this cap on me!

Riding Sakura's way!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

8 Months Old!

8 Months Old!

It's hard to believe that little Peyton Sakura is already 8 months old.
She is truly an amazing little girl, and we are SO blessed to be her parents.
At 8 months old, Sakura is now:
Crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on anything and everything.
She is very aware of "strangers" and cries when someone she isn't familiar with holds her, looks at her, or talks to her. She was terrified of my brother (Uncle Matty) when he first arrived on Friday, but by Sunday he could talk to her and she didn't scream.
She calls for "MaMa" (which actually sounds more like MeMe) when she is upset about something.
She has started waving.
She picks up "puffs" and eats them herself with her finger and thumb.
She now has 2 teeth poking through, not all the way out yet (so much for those adorable toothless grins that we love), now we'll have toothy grins :)
Friday we had our first appointment with the County Attorney to sign some documents to finalize our adoption. They are "shooting" for November 20th (National Adoption Day) as our hearing date when we will officially go to court and finalize our adoption.
The assistant County Attorney said that they would like to get as many adoptions on the calendar for that date as possible, so they're hoping that it works out for us. We should know more in a week or two. The assistant (Dee) loved Sakura and took her to see all of the other people in the office, who all ooohed and aaahed over her, it was very sweet.