8 Months Old!
It's hard to believe that little Peyton Sakura is already 8 months old.
She is truly an amazing little girl, and we are SO blessed to be her parents.
At 8 months old, Sakura is now:
Crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on anything and everything.
She is very aware of "strangers" and cries when someone she isn't familiar with holds her, looks at her, or talks to her. She was terrified of my brother (Uncle Matty) when he first arrived on Friday, but by Sunday he could talk to her and she didn't scream.
She calls for "MaMa" (which actually sounds more like MeMe) when she is upset about something.
She has started waving.
She picks up "puffs" and eats them herself with her finger and thumb.
She now has 2 teeth poking through, not all the way out yet (so much for those adorable toothless grins that we love), now we'll have toothy grins :)
Friday we had our first appointment with the County Attorney to sign some documents to finalize our adoption. They are "shooting" for November 20th (National Adoption Day) as our hearing date when we will officially go to court and finalize our adoption.
The assistant County Attorney said that they would like to get as many adoptions on the calendar for that date as possible, so they're hoping that it works out for us. We should know more in a week or two. The assistant (Dee) loved Sakura and took her to see all of the other people in the office, who all ooohed and aaahed over her, it was very sweet.