Now looking up at the moving mobile
All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hanging out at home
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A little catching up
Well, we arrived home safe and sound late last night (around 10:30 p.m. AZ time) - so it was a very long and tiring day. We landed at LAX around 8:30 a.m. CA time, and proceeded through Immigration and then Customs, and Sakura was processed through with her Visa - I think that LAX and our return flight was the most draining of our whole adoption process...not that it was hard, it's just that you are SO tired (since you lose a whole night on your way home because of time changes/length of flight, etc), so anything you have to deal with at that point is just miserable. After we got through all of that we had to wait at the curb for our shuttle to take us to the car in long term parking. Once we got our car, it was time to head out - Dean really wanted to stop at South Coast Plaza and pick something up for Taz that he had seen before we left and he was unsure of, but we couldn't find where our directions were from our trip and all of the packing, so we headed toward home, Dean was really tired (and grumpy!!!) so we stopped at some flea bag hotel (NEVER again!) - it served it's purpose, we were able to sleep for a few hours, while Grandma took care of the baby (who also slept) - then we went to Claim Jumper for dinner, and stopped at the Carlsbad Outlets (for Grandma) before heading home (I did really want to get one outfit that Dean and I had seen earlier at Gymboree though, so I wasn't protesting stopping even though we were dying from exhaustion. I also found this super cute hat while we were there :)
Mommy had to buy this adorable hat at Gymboree on our way home from LA!
We are happy to be home, and love the heck out of our daughter. She is just a perfect little baby, I know that the day will come and I will be eating those words, but so far, she is perfect --- rarely cries, etc....I guess I would say the only thing I could 'complain' about is that she would rather sleep ON us, than in her bed - and I would love it if she slept IN her bed for a few hours, but all you have to do is lay her in her bed and within about 20 minutes, she discovers that she isn't being held and cries/fusses. I think that she is just used to sleeping amongst people/babies and this is all very different for her. **Don't laugh Heather!!!**Sleeping on/with Grandma this morning
Today we went to lunch with my Mom and Stepdad David for Mexican food, then ran to Toys-R-Us (since we don't have a Babies-R-Us) to see if they had any of her favorite bottles that we can't get here - and then to Target to buy a baby gate for her bedroom door so that her older brother and sister (furry ones) can't get in her room unless we are in there with them - they really want to check this small person out that has moved into our home.
This morning the little Princess had her first bath at home, and she loves her pretty pink bathtub. She is back to crying when she is taken OUT of the tub, instead of being unhappy while In the tub - her first bath in Japan she loved, but then cried for each bath afterward.
First bath at home
Clean baby
At lunch hanging out with Daddy while Mommy eats
First trip in my stroller
This afternoon after having Mexican food for lunch - Yancha Bozu is still unsure of who this is, why she is here, and when she's going home - HaHa!
We are home
We just arrived home, Sakura is tucked into her bed and enjoyed her first swing ride tonight. Now it's time to try and get a little sleep before our little princess wakes up!
Peyton Sakura Shimizu and Michael Kazuya Watanabe waiting to board their first plane ride sweet that these two started out together and even enjoyed their first plane ride home in the same row on the airplane...We love you Kazuya sweet boy, and I know that Sakura misses you already.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Here it is!
Unfortunately yesterday was the day that we toured Tokyo the most, and didn’t have our camera since we went directly from the Embassy where there are no camera’s permitted L
Dean’s cousin Miki and her family own a very nice upscale French restaurant in Shinjuku and Miki had asked us to join her after our Embassy appointment. We really wanted Taz to join us, as we feel so indebted to her for all she has done for us, and we thought that Taz and Miki would get along well, so after our appointment, Dean, Taz, Sakura and I all took a cab to L’Alliance – the food was not something Dean and I would have just gone out and ordered, but to show our appreciation we tried everything – our first course was raw Benito fish, with white asparagus served with a pesto sauce – the white asparagus was really good, but neither of us liked the Benito – Dean told Taz on the cab ride home that he almost threw up J Our second course was scallops, and some vegetables, I can’t remember right now – to my surprise I loved the scallops, I’ve never eaten one before, but these were perfect – I won’t be ordering them anywhere because I’m sure that these were exceptional quality and prepared just perfect, our main course was Australian Beef tenderloin served with mashed potatoes, another vegetable that I cannot remember, then we had dessert – I chose the Sakura white chocolate mousse cake, Dean chose Vanilla pudding (looked like crème’ bruelet, with candied sugar), and Taz chose an almond cake, with what looked like lady fingers around the edge. I think that we all really enjoyed ourselves and the food was truly one of the best meals I’ve ever eaten. By the way, Sakura was a PERFECT angel, the only thing we might have changed was when Taz took her so I could eat, she decided it was time for a big poopJ I took her to the restroom, changed her, and she was perfect the rest of the day.
We also went to KiddyLand yesterday – Oh My Gosh – I love KiddyLand! There were some super cute Edemame characters that I would have bought one each of, but I left without buying any.
I think that was it for yesterday – we had a busy day, but truly excited and emotional.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'm Awake!
Later in the afternoon, I ventured out to Akachin Honpo (baby store) with Peyton so Dean could get some uninterrupted sleep - our trip was complete with a looooong taxi ride, Peyton says "I could tell Mommy was a little nervous, but we made it there and back safe and sound....Mommy bought me some very cute t-shirts (kimono style for sleeping in)".
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ready for bed
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pictures as requested by all
Sorry to keep you all on pins and needles waiting for pictures of our precious baby girl – for whatever reason Blogger on my laptop stinks – when I try to post pictures it comes up with lots of hyperlinks, not the actual photos, so it's hard to remember which picture I picked to post and remember what the actual photo was of, but since you all want to see…I'll post them now and caption them later when we get home.
She is a beautiful baby in every way she rarely cries, she's only had two really fussy/crying spells, she eats well, she sleeps well – we are truly blessed – we love her so much.
Embassy Papers Filed!
Today was our appointment at the Embassy. Everything went well, we filed our paperwork, Dean and I were interviewed and we received our appointment for Sakura’s interview – which is Thursday. We are having a great time in Tokyo, Sakura is an EXCELLENT baby, we didn’t even know that she knew how to cry until tonight when we had our first round “baby isn’t happy”…so we cannot complain.
It was a VERY windy day In Tokyo and we walked back from the Embassy!
Today we went with Taz and the Watanabe family to a place where they make fresh rice crackers, I think Dean though he died and went to Heaven!
It is now 2:30 a.m. and she just went back to sleep so I’m off to bed – it’s an early start tomorrow – we head to the Medical appointment where she gets her Hep B shot which is required for her Visa.
And finally just some of Peyton’s cuteness!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Finally meeting our baby girl
Introducing … our family of three. Peyton Sakura Shimizu was placed in our arms today 22 Mar 09.
What an amazing day today has been, all of our hopes and dreams of having a family have become reality. Peyton is a beautiful, healthy baby girl, we couldn't have wished anything more, she is perfect in every way.