All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A place for clothes!

Monday, February 23, 2009
New pictures!

Sakura Information!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Plane Tickets purchased and Travelers Checks too!

Our tickets have been purchased as well as our travelers checks (unfortunately we had to get $100 denominations)! We will depart LAX (will be purchasing another ticket from Phoenix to LAX more than likely, since Grandma will be puppysitting, and that means a trip to Phoenix, not to mention I think she'd DIE if we didn't 'land' there and she had to wait another second to see Sakura when we return!) on March 18th - landing in Tokyo Narita airport March 19th - then we fly home on March 28th with our baby!
We are very excited to have this major step crossed off our list...and now to concentrate on the Immigration forms, and getting everything else ready for our trip of a lifetime.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sakura gets her passport photo...Uncle Matty did some shopping!
Special gifts from Uncle Matty
I am also including a little bit from Taz about why we don't have Sakura's information yet, I know that so many have asked me, and this is why.....
Exerpt From Taz: I have been waiting to get original documentation of sakura but it seems like takes more time. The reason why takes more time as other because of your bio mother is NOT moving to our institution to birth. She gave birth at her local town, but mostly our bio mothers move in at Okada-san's place. Normally, bio mother has to check up at OB/GYN after 1 month later of birth, and she must bring baby-book with her to the hospital.So now, bio mother of Sakura still has baby -book which has all birth information, that is the reason why I can't confirm you the detail of birth measurement.It should be come to us very soon but again, I can't confirm you exact date. Sakura is doing very fine. She takes a LOT of formula.I attach here Sakura's passport photo.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Time for Travel Arrangements!

Sunday, March 22!
We still don't have any of Sakura's birth information and hope that we get that soon too, I know that everyone is as anxious as we are to find out!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sakura and Kazuya
Today we received another couple pictures of our beautiful baby girl....and look someone has a new little boy friend to keep her company until Mommy and Daddy get to go and pick her up!
Don't they look sweet together? Sakura is looking SO big to us!
Chances are likely that we will be traveling to Tokyo to pick up babies "together" or very close to the same time which will be great. The first thing my Mom said was "That is great, we'll get lots of family photos" - instead of just Daddy and Sakura or Mommy and Sakura, which is true, we will be sure and ask the Watanabe's to take pictures of all of us and will do the same for them!
Gramma goes shopping!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Gifts and Dinner
Sakura...what else?
We received another couple of pictures of our little angel! We won't know any of her statistics for probably another couple of weeks, I forgot that they don't "know" anything until they receive the baby book from the hospital, which occurs about 1-2 weeks after the baby has been placed with Okada-san, we have to be patient! I will definitely post all of that as soon as we know.
Yesterday Dean and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary - we both are amazed and excited and know that there won't ever be a more memorable anniversary! Right now we are at Disneyland, we came back here because this is where we honeymooned 15 years ago....AND we had already booked our trip before finding out about Sakura. What do you think it means when you see this while walking around the grounds of Disney's Grand California hotel?
I think it means that our very own little Sakura thinking about us! I have said numerous times how with our adoption there have been SO SO SO many signs that this is what we were supposed to do, that THIS baby is the one meant to be with us, and I think that this along with everything else we have seen just solidifies things.
To our precious little Sakura - your Mommy and Daddy cannot wait to come and get you! We love you sooooo much our little angel!
To Dean, my heart and my life are complete - I love you!
Jennifer and Dean boarding the Monorail 12 Feb 09
It is amazing to me how things work out, yesterday upon our arrival we were greeted by "Max" - Max is the VIP person for Disney's Grand California Hotel and Spa, we were taken to the large center table inside and given a packet of things .... we had been selected for VIP treatment, our room upgraded, personalized room keys, Happy Anniversary buttons, a special number to call for any reservations we wanted on property and off, etc....This has been a TRULY amazing week!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's a Girl!
Dean and I have a daughter....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A couple little blue birds....
There are now a couple of baby birds in the nursery.....My Mom was here this weekend and thought it would be nice to paint a couple of baby birds in the nursery (for good luck/happiness) - I think they look sooooo cute, what do you think?
When we find out if we have a boy or a girl, more painting will take place :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Just Waiting.....