All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer.
Back left Brian and Ju, us
Front left Nancy and Tripp, Miya and Eryn, Gregor and Emi
As the saying goes in the adoption world - Dean and I are officially pregnant on paper - what does that mean? That means that our paperwork is done and ready to go to Japan with Taz the next time she goes!
As you may have read below, our I-171H arrived in the mail right before we left for California for our meeting at ATWA. The above photo shows Lesley (ATWA director), Me, Taz (Japan facilitator) and Dean at our meeting Monday.
We now begin the wait process. Keep us in your prayers, we are hoping that our baby is growing in a very special birth mother, that she is taking very good care of herself and that she has an uneventful pregnancy and an easy delivery. Please keep her in your prayers as well.
Our preference is that we do not know when our file is being viewed. We want to find out once the baby is born, we have been chosen, and the birth mom has signed the pertinent paperwork. We have NO idea when this will happen - all we know is when the baby that is supposed to be our baby is born --- we will find out. We are patient and we believe that our baby is out there and we will find each other when the time is right.
We ask that you check here --- we will update our blog as soon as we hear something!